
What is the Problem
When children are born with a disability they are either misdiagnosed or not diagnosed early enough. If children miss out on early diagnoses, they are not as likely to become as high functioning as they could be in their years to come. More specifically, children with Asperger Syndrome. These children have difficulty communicating and socializing with others and large groups. With these barriers, children with Asperger Syndrome have trouble making and keeping friendships especially in adolescent years.
How to Fix It
Construct an app that provides children with Asperger Syndrome a learn by teaching method virtual reality game. The game will involve communication training to help the children socialize more successfully. By incorporating a fun interactive animal friend that holds a lot of the same personality traits that the children do, an unspoken form of trust is created. With the use of virtual reality technology, children do not only learn as if the situation was almost real, but they absorb the material provided in the game better by being completely immersed.

Type and Color Selections
Filson Soft was chosen for soft comforting qualities. The logotype will also
always remain in lowercase to maintain a friendly impression. As for color, inspiration was
pulled from the four main autism colors then altered to be lighthearted and fun!

Long Term Statistics
Developing social and communication skills at an early age not only improves quality
of life for the moment, but it also improves the chances of success in the job market later on.

Potential User


User Flow Map

Reminder Notification
As the child begins using the app more, the system will track when the app is used and how much during the day. When the child has not used the app for a duration of days a push notification will be sent from the animal to make it personal.

Long Term Effects
When children begin learning social ques and other versions of communication with the franimals app, they are improving their chances of being high functioning. This means children will have more confidence in themselves and less of a chance being taken
advantage of or pitied.With more confidence comes more job opportunities and a larger network of friends. Franimals is one of the many stepping stones that children can experience while they are young to ensure a brighter future.